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5 things you should definitely have while hiking

5 Dinge, die du beim Wandern auf jeden Fall dabeihaben solltest

The next hike is already planned, the shoes are laced up, but the backpack... it presents you with familiar challenges. What do I pack? And what is unnecessary? These are questions that everyone who enjoys lacing up their hiking boots has asked themselves when looking at their backpack. Packing too much makes the backpack you carry to the summit heavier. However, it's equally frustrating to realize during the hike that you've forgotten something important at home. With these 5 things, you can avoid the dilemma and be well-equipped for every hike:

Clothing for weather changes

Particularly when heading into the mountains, the weather can change quickly along the way. Bright sunshine can turn into rain, hail, and snow. It's not a situation where you want to be in a T-shirt and shorts. Therefore, it's worth having a rain jacket, long pants, and possibly a functional shirt with you. Such functional clothing can usually be folded very small and doesn't take up much space or weight in the backpack. With these items, you are prepared for any weather.

Mobile phone

Yes, it's worth taking a mobile phone on your hike, not just for great photos from the summit. More importantly, and essential for mountain hikes, the device becomes crucial when you need help in an emergency. And even if you get lost, the built-in GPS can help you find the right path again. Therefore, before every hike, make sure that the phone is fully charged and, if necessary, bring a charged power bank.

Food & drinks

What could be better than taking a break during a challenging hike to replenish your energy reserves? To make this happen and avoid standing halfway to the summit with a growling stomach, you should have sufficient provisions. For a day trip, pack a good snack, some fruit, vegetables, or other snacks, and especially enough water to compensate for fluid loss through movement. With a spark bottle you can also rely on local water sources such as drinking fountains and still refresh yourself with fresh sparkling water.

First Aid Kit

The shoe is tight, the knee is scraped, or you've cut yourself on a branch? During hiking, small accidents and injuries can happen. A small first aid kit with disinfectant, band-aids, bandages, and scissors can provide a remedy in such cases. Painkillers for headaches, ointments for insect bites, or a tick card can also be helpful while hiking. Hikers who rely on specific medications should carry an adequate supply.

Plastic bag

You have everything with you, you're in the midst of nature, enjoying the view when something shiny catches your eye in the underbrush – the packaging of a chocolate bar that a careless hiker discarded in the woods. Not only for such cases is it good to have a small plastic bag with you. The nature and especially the ecosystems you traverse are worth protecting.



Dispose of food waste, as well as packaging or plastic bottles, in trash bins. But what if there's no bin in sight? In that case, you can collect your own trash, as well as any litter you encounter on the way, in a small plastic bag in your backpack and dispose of it at the next opportunity. This way, nature will be preserved for you and other people for a long time.

Every hike is different and must be prepared accordingly. During a stroll through forests and meadows, you certainly don't need the same equipment as when climbing a peak in the Alps. Depending on the difficulty level and length, ankle-high hiking boots, trekking poles, or even equipment for overnight stays in a hut may be necessary. However, the 5 items mentioned in this post are essential for every hike.


Photo by Devon Hawkins on Unsplash
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash
Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash
Photo by Trnava University on Unsplash

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